Category: Uncategorized

  • Management majors continue to shine with final presentations

                          Ellen Krueger worked with me all semester on an independent study in ethics as part of a student ethics fellowship that my position supports. LOTS of reading and writing and reflecting on where she personally draws ethical lines as she anticipates joining an organization.…

  • Management students’ projects add lasting value for clients

    More projects from Kathi Tunheim’s HR and Organizational Behavior students. High impact learning at its best. Orono Give & Go Team [Sam Flynn, Jennifer Marquette, client Joellen Gonder-Spacek, Austin Housh, Alissa Tinklenberg and Amy Medearis] The purpose of our project can be broken down into two main components: improving the current marketing plan and researching…

  • Tis the season… final project presentations in Management

    What is the universal sign of the end of the semester for Management students? Final project presentations, created for clients, peers, and faculty to enjoy! In Kathi Tunheim’s Organizational Behavior and Human Resources courses, students trotted out their best to share project deliverables. Here are some of the projects:  Baby Boomers & Beyond [Torin Dougherty,…

  • Community partners come to campus for project presentations

    Representing a significant time, talent and development investment, three community partners came to Beck Hall to hear Organizational Behavior students’ final project presentations. Members of Lifeworks, the Gustavus G-Club, and the American Swedish Institute all cheerfully came to Beck 301 to learn not only of their own project outcomes, but to hear and participate in…

  • Yue Yin and Zach May presented at the Winchell Undergraduate Research Symposium

    Congratulations to Yue Yin and Zach May for their participation in the Winchell Undergraduate Research Symposium Saturday, April 26th at Saint Mary’s (Winona). Yue was also an award recipient. Special thanks to Professor Kristina Terkun-Castro for all of her work organizing our students and participating as a judge as well. Details are in the release…

  • Gustavus and TED? That’s right!

    What a coup. What an amazing collection of speakers! Dave Newell and his student team scored a TEDx event and it was so good, it made 4 hours in Wallenberg fly by. That alone is worth considering…. Every speaker was coming from such a different space, and yet what I got from them was very…

  • Ethics independent study fellowship– learning from Gusties about leading with integrity

    What a fantastic day with Ellen Krueger ’14 and Gustie alumni (and friends– thanks Becky!) last Friday. Ellen is my ethics fellow this semester, trying out an intensive one-on-one model of learning about ethics, and more importantly, how she can navigate any organizational setting with confidence that she will do her best to do what’s…

  • Props to the CAB for bringing Sandy Hodges & Company

    Wow. WOW. Just back from Christ Chapel where Sandy Hodges and her gospel group completely took over CC. I can’t believe the Campus Activities Board got them here. A small but totally into it crowd! The last time my husband and I heard that kind of singing was at St. Alphonsus of the Rock Catholic…

  • Making their lives count– Tunheims in El Salvador on a Habitat build

    Just got Kathi’s first update and message since her arrival in San Salvador this weekend for a Thrivent/Trinity Lutheran Church Habitat build. You can find a blog here and read about other participants from Trinity (Long Lake). Here is what Kathi wrote: We arrived in San Salvador at 12:30 on Sunday . We were surprised…

  • The most fun you can have while talking about lawsuits and data….

    …. is participating in the Gustavus alumni event the Passion for LifeLong Learning, which I got to facilitate last Thursday, March 20th. OK– so crunching through legal decisions about Title VII religious discrimination cases is not for everyone, but wow, what a great group we had at the American Swedish Institute that night! The gist…