Archive for March, 2014
Making their lives count– Tunheims in El Salvador on a Habitat build
Just got Kathi’s first update and message since her arrival in San Salvador this weekend for a Thrivent/Trinity Lutheran Church Habitat build. You can find a blog here and read about other participants from Trinity (Long Lake). Here is what Kathi wrote: We arrived in San Salvador at 12:30 on Sunday . We were surprised […]
The most fun you can have while talking about lawsuits and data….
…. is participating in the Gustavus alumni event the Passion for LifeLong Learning, which I got to facilitate last Thursday, March 20th. OK– so crunching through legal decisions about Title VII religious discrimination cases is not for everyone, but wow, what a great group we had at the American Swedish Institute that night! The gist […]
Conflict? Negotiation? No worries– insights from John Davis ’91
What a difference it makes to have tried-and-true executive leadership weigh in on what we cover in class! Although the Manager’s Hot Seat video cases are truly realistic in how real managers handle complicated and difficult situations, our own Gustie corps of experience is invaluable. Today we discussed a Manager’s Hot Seat case about conflict, […]