Gusties in the world.. Rachel Mohr ’16 here in Christchurch Posted on March 16th, 2015 by

An unexpected pleasure of this term at University of Canterbury: seeing fellow Gusties! Rachel Mohr ’16 and I met for lunch today in the re-configured Undercroft of the library. The Shilling Club boasts a terrific NZD$10 lunch, a great bargain for good food! Rachel is here in New Zealand studying the unique geology available in New Zealand, as well as not-to-be-found-in-St Peter courses like Maori culture and New Zealand history. Her passion to get to Antarctica could very well be fed by another UC degree: a masters program that includes placement in Antarctica. Rachel told me that this is one of the few places on the planet that has direct flights and placements to work in Antarctica.

While Antarctica would not be on MY short list of places to go, clearly Rachel loves it, and would love an opportunity to get there. Somehow, I think that will happen!


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