Gusties making a difference: Ensuring fresh water in India Posted on November 20th, 2014 by

While Professor Paul Estenson retained his whiskers, the fresh water campaign from our Global Entrepreneurship in India students netted $400– an amazing tally for such a short time window. Here is what Paul said about the partnership between the GEI students and our Gusties here in St. Peter:

Today we raised $400 for our fellow Gusties campaign to bring fresh water to a village in India. 

 So what does that mean?

 It means that we were able to fundamentally change 10 people’s lives today by providing them with fresh water for the next five years.

Let that sink in for a minute! It’s not often that you can say that at the end of a day.​

For everyone who was so helpful today and made today a success, thank-you. 

Enjoy the fact that you accomplished something amazing today.

It’s a great time to be in the Econ & Management department as we and our students build capacity to be engaged citizens of the global commons.

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