Year: 2015

  • Teaching management– New Zealand style

    We’ve made it to the other side of the globe, and the (sorry Minnesotans!) summery southern hemisphere! It’s been sunny and about mid-70s each day. Maybe it will make the winter sufferers to know there is a hole in the ozone here, so we’ve been sunburned despite liberal SPF 50 applications..? Maybe? OK, maybe not.…

  • E/M faculty strengthen majors

    Probably nowhere else on the Gustavus campus does the tension between liberal learning and those traditions, and job readiness and “training” bubble up. That means that Economics and Management department has to be especially alert to how to walk that balance with student learning. We held a day-long curriculum retreat to assess where we needed…

  • Management students help young shelter residents thrive

    Another great semester thanks to open-minded Organizational Behavior students and my community partner for the fall, Partners for Affordable Housing in Mankato! Working with PAH Coordinator Onnie Brodkorb and her organization has helped enact one of my key community-based learning goals: move beyond the limitations of semester-long projects to get real change initiatives going and…